In the realm of oral health, cavities are often a concern. Though dentists can address these with fillings, prevention through regular checkups and cleanings is key. As a parent, you probably already know to look out for cavities in your kids’ teeth for their sake. Still, many are surprised to learn that cavities could be […]
When Is It Time for Your Kid’s First Dental Checkup?
Some parents only consider taking their kids to the dentist once they have a toothache or cavity. However, it’s important to start regular dental checkups early. You may be surprised to know that the Canadian Dental Association recommends children visit a dentist by their first birthday or within 6 months of getting their first tooth. […]
Eliminating Bad Breath
Understanding and Preventing Bad Breath If you’ve ever worried that you might have bad breath, you are among the large numbers of patients who ask their dentists about this every day. Since bad breath can be offensive and off-putting, it is considered a social taboo. In our social environments and close personal relationships, bad breath […]