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Benefits of Choosing Solea Laser

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A child smiling at the dentist showing off the results of their Solea laser treatment.

The world of dentistry is constantly changing, and as technology advances, dental care is more accessible than ever. Solea laser dentistry offers minimally invasive, gentle and precise laser technology.

Solea laser uses precision lasers to offer an effective, safe, and comfortable alternative to modern dentistry. With Solea, you can enjoy a quick and precise procedure to alleviate all kinds of dental problems.

What Is Laser Dentistry?

In traditional dentistry, dentists rely on mechanical tools to treat dental issues. While these tools have served effectively for many years, they can cause dental anxiety and discomfort. 

With laser dentistry, many of these worries can be removed from the equation. These procedures involve a gentle alternative to manual methods. Rather than drilling and using hand tools to clean your teeth and treat dental problems, your dentist can carefully control a laser to treat a wide range of dental problems.

The laser used in these dental procedures can target specific areas with incredible accuracy, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues. Laser dentistry provides a quiet, drill-free and needle-free option for patients who might have dental anxiety.

How the Solea Laser Works

The Solea laser is one of the most popular methods used in laser dentistry. It’s a dental laser that can be used on both hard and soft tissues in your mouth. Your dentist can use the Solea laser for almost every part of the procedure, reducing the need to switch between tools based on the various stages of the procedure.

At its core, the Solea laser works by emitting a specialized beam of light energy. This energy is absorbed by the tissue in the mouth, causing the targeted tissue to be gently removed or reshaped. The process is so precise that it can remove decay from a tooth without affecting the healthy parts of the tooth.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Solea laser is its speed. It operates at a much higher speed than traditional dental tools. This reduces the time you spend in the dental chair while minimizing potential discomfort, offering you a comfortable and quick answer to your dental problems.

The Solea laser is also often needle-free, meaning you won’t be needing anesthesia. Many patients report not feeling anything at all during the procedure.

Why Try Solea Laser Dentistry?

Solea laser dentistry is an incredible alternative to traditional dentistry. However, the benefits go beyond comfort. Laser dentistry offers 3 key benefits.


When it comes to any dental or medical procedure, safety should always be a top priority. You should be able to rest easy knowing that you’re in good hands and that you aren’t at risk.

This is one key area where Solea laser dentistry shines. It offers a level of safety that can be hard to match through more traditional methods. You don’t need to worry about anesthesia, making Solea ideal for pregnant women. Solea laser is quiet, needle-free, and drill-free, making it a great option for young patients with dental anxiety.


Precision is one of the standout features of Solea laser dentistry. The laser’s ability to target specific areas allows dentists to perform procedures with remarkable accuracy, which significantly reduces the risk of harming healthy tissue. This is especially valuable when it comes to:

  • Cavity removal
  • Gum contouring
  • Tooth preparation for fillings
  • Soft tissue surgeries
  • Treating sleep apnea

This approach can provide an improved experience for patients. Laser dentistry offers less trauma to surrounding areas and a lower risk of postoperative discomfort.

A little girl smiling at the dentist while preparing for Solea laser dentistry treatment.

Quick Recovery

No one enjoys long recovery times after dental procedures. Fortunately, this is another area where Solea helps. The precision and gentleness of the laser means that there’s less trauma to your teeth and gums, helping speed up the healing process. The laser causes minimal trauma to the treated area, meaning you often won’t need to worry about swelling and discomfort.

The laser also promotes faster healing by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. It can seal blood vessels as it works, reducing bleeding during and after the procedure. This not only makes the recovery process more comfortable but also reduces the risk of infection.

Stepping Into the Future

Your oral health is an important part of your overall well-being. By choosing treatments like Solea laser dentistry, you invest in your health and quality of life. Book an appointment with us at Bloom Orthodontics and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile today.

Written by Dr. Jonelle Crichton, DDS

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